Board of Directors and Supervisors
Dr. Pang-Fu Liu
Managing Director of the Board
Mr. Ching-Fu Chen
Mr. Wen-Hsuan Lin
Dr. Li-Chen Cheng
Mr. Kun-I Huang
Director of the Board
Mr. Yung-Fa Lin
Mr. Wen-Lung Hsiao
Ms. Pi-Yu Cheng
Mr. Te-Jen Sun
Dr. Mei-Kuei Yu
Mr. Chih-Shen Chen
Mr. Tiao-Chin Lin
Mr. Yu-Yi Chen
Managing Supervisor of the Board
Dr. Li-Jen He
Supervisor of the Board
Mr. Wu-Chi Hsieh
Dr. Shu-Yun Wu
Organization Structure
We established the first overseas branch office, TFCF Mongolia in 2004. Afterward, we established six more overseas branch offices in Kyrgyzstan (2012), Eswatini (2013), Vietnam (2014), Cambodia (2015), Jordan (2018), and Philippines (2019). We provide the profession of social work, bring Taiwan experience and keep on developing our services overseas.