A dream come true!
Daniel is a 17-year-old student in 9th grade in An Binh Secondary School and he is one of TFCF sponsored children in Vietnam.
“I am excited to know that TFCF supports our school to install the Water Purifier System recently. We are very happy that we can access safe water! No color, no strange odor and no harmful components! The system helps us stay healthy and improve our environment conditions in learning as well. I am sincerely grateful for all your support and donation. Thank you for giving the water Purifier system at our beloved school. I promise that my friends and I will carefully use this system as appropriate under any circumstances. We will treat all people with love and sponsor back to needy people for the glory of our sponsors.”
- Message from Daniel
** Daniel is the fake name due to the privacy and safety of individuals is respected.
Systems installment complete
We had spent around one week to install water purifier system at An Binh Secondary School and Tan Hanh Secondary School. During the installation, we found that there were water pressure issues in these two schools and caused the problem of water purifier system running. In order to fix the low water pressure problem, we added new water tank stands at Tan Hanh Secondary School and installed one more water tank at An Binh Secondary school. The supplier has collected and delivered filtering water samples for the examination by the government agency after all installation complete, and we are pleased to have received the certification and ensure to provide clean and safe water for children finally. We are very grateful for your support about our cause and make drinking water available to children in Vietnam.