Why donate?

Where can I get information on TFCF’s financials?

Our financial statements are available here. 

Annual reports are available here

Why should I choose TFCF?

Since 1950, TFCF has contributed as the leading NGO for needy children and their families in Taiwan. In addition, on a worldwide scale, TFCF is supporting more than 100,000 children and is ranked as the top 10 number of sponsored children. We are dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty. To make a bright future possible for children. We focus on sustainable development goals that empower people with access to the basic resources and solutions they need. Where there is a child in need, there is TFCF.

Donating to Taiwan Fund for Children and Families

How can I donate to TFCF?

The easiest option is to donate online. You can donate using any major credit card.

Please visit here to explore other options to make a donation.

How can I join the Foreign Sponsorship program?

TFCF operates two sponsorship programs to support children and communities abroad:

1. Foreign Children Sponsorship Program

2. Foreign Community Sponsorship Program

If you are interested in joining the Foreign Sponsorship program (both Children and Community), please feel free to contact us by phone at +886(04)2206-1234 (ext 1385/1386) or by email: [email protected]

Can I make a donation from an international address or with international currency?

We welcome donations from around the world. Please refer to the online donation.
NOTE: Donations via credit card will be calculated in USD. If a donation is made from an international bank account, there may be additional fees incurred with that transaction.

Can I get a receipt for my donation?

Yes, your email will receive an electronic receipt once your donation is confirmed. If you need a hard copy receipt, please log in to the member center to apply. We will issue a paper receipt and send it to you in six weeks.

Is my donation tax-deductible?

Donation is deductible ONLY for donors whose nationality is Taiwan (R.O.C)or a Corporation registered in Taiwan.

TFCF is a Taiwan-registered non-profit organization and Non-governmental organization. Our registration number is Tai(84)Ne-Se-Tzu-Di-8475595 and our exemption number is 52628812. Please consult your tax professional or the Department of Financial and Auditing in TFCF if you have any questions.