Family program in Kyrgyzstan

Nurjamal is 46 years old and she has six children. She is a kindergarten teacher, but she has never worked by trade, as she lost her diploma. Before coming to Taiwan Fund for Children and Families (TFCF), she used to work at school cafeteria, but she almost had no income. She could not change her job, as it is hard to find well-paid job with good conditions. Her income was hardly enough to make ends meet. Husband is an odd-jobber, so he did not earn money properly. As they lacked necessary daily things, her sister introduced TFCF. Since 2012 autumn, they have been getting TFCF’s support.
In 2013, TFCF invited interested families to a Family Program; Nurjamal had will and joined it. She likes cooking, so that she decided to cook for our children, on different activities and for guests. Later, she decided to join sewing group, as she wanted to learn something more. After participating sewing group regularly and showing the best of herself, she was offered a job (2014). Currently, she is a manager of the program and trains new members. While participating the program, she got a permanent job, stable income and she developed skills. Stable income helps to pay rent fee (living place) regularly, she is able to provide proper education for her children and develops quality of family’s life.
She says about her life changes with TFCF: at the beginning, sewing was difficult for me, but I needed a better job. After lots of practice, I found out that I like sewing. Many things have been changed during these 3 years; many happy moments come to my mind when I record those years. I cannot say it was easy, but it was worthy. Now, I can say I sew well, so that I want to share knowledge with others. I want them to have the same positive changes in their lives as I do”.