I am not hopeless now!

Yun, who is a 6 years and 6 months old girl with development delay, joined our class in August, 2016. The developmental delay is associated with impairments in motion, language and cognition. Her brother is an elementary school student with special educational needs. They live in a single-mother family now.
“As I remember that Yun could neither speak clearly nor walk/stand alone when she joined the class at the beginning. With the attraction of musical therapy, it was not so hard for her to participate in the class. Such as the keyboard experience through Figurenotes training, it involves finger and hand skills and improves the hand control well. I was very happy when Yun matched the colors correctly and played the keyboard by her own fingers at the first time.”
- Message from Teacher Yu
“It's been nearly two years since Yun received the assistances from teachers and volunteers in the class.I saw her continued growth and continual progress being made during this period. I noticed her singing and walking at home, and I knew that my little girl has progressed dramatically. I saw her self-confidence and happiness. It’s unbelievable and wonderful to have these changes and I am not hopeless now. With your support, I will be stronger to overcome the challenges in the future.”
- Message from Yun’s mom
** Yun is the fake name due to the privacy and safety of individuals is respected.
Currently, there are 75 children in the musical therapy course every month. Because of your donation, we are able to continue our services and provide the helpful course to developmental delay children in Taichung. We will keep the project rolling and help more developmental children to grow up happily.