The World Children's Day 2020
November 20th is the world children’s day. It is an important date for the history of safeguarding children’s rights.
On November 20th, 1959, the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child.
On November 20th, 1989, the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
On November 20th, 2020, TFCF International started a challenge (#CallForChildrenRightsChallenge) calling for children's rights.
Start from November 13th, the seven Facebook pages of TFCF overseas branches share stories and photos about the realities of needy children they have met during their services, in order to raise public attention to children’s rights. The #CallForChildrenRightsChallenge proposed by TFCF International on Facebook has reached the public and we will continue our work on Children's rights.
*You can click the photo or caption below to know more about the truth in different countries.
Vietnam: I want to go to school but...I have to pick up the trash first.
Kyrgyzstan: I want to go to school but... my house is empty.
Mongolia: I want to go to school but...we don’t have enough education quota.
Cambodia: I want to go to school but...I have to take care of my younger siblings first.
Eswatini: I want to go to school but...I got pregnant.
Jordan: I want to go to school but...I have no device and internet to do online learning.
Philippines: I want to go to school but... my home was burnt down in the community fire.