Happy New Year 2021!

Recalling 2020, TFCF’s international services from the headquarters in Taiwan to the 7 overseas’ branches including Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Eswatini, Vietnam, Cambodia, Jordan, and the Philippines, have experienced a catastrophe with the world, and we have gone through the early ideals.
The Covid-19 pandemic began to appear in February, and still intensifying around the world from March to the present. We have faced isolation, lockdown, border restrictions, worry about job suspension, and other situations that make international development work become an arduous task. But even so, during the year, TFCF still risked the pandemic. Together with the pandemic, natural disasters such as typhoons and earthquakes are affecting our service areas mercilessly. However, we insist “Where there is a child in need, there is TFCF", continue to assist families and children who in need is our mission. We never stop to deliver materials and issue sponsorship fees to our sponsored families even in a tough time. Thanks to advances in technology, some education programs can even be implemented online to avoid the risk of infection, and we can continue to bring more services to the people who are needed.
“Are you afraid?” “Why don’t you come back to Taiwan?” are the most asked questions to our overseas workers.
“Absolutely Yes.” “I’m afraid, but we have to keep helping those in need”
In fact, what lies behind the calmness is worries and fears. The first is worrying about whether thousands of families in need will be affected by the pandemic. Then, the unknown fear caused by infectious diseases, and the worry of having to stay indoors for a long time. All the overseas workers are putting families and children in need before themselves. TFCF has continued to move forward in the year with wind and rain, so we also received the Awards to outstanding NGOs - Social Welfare Contribution in 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Department of NGO International Affairs ceremony. For this award, TFCF’s Chairman Zhao and CEO Ho said that “This is an honor for all overseas staff and the people who support us”.
On another hand, our colleagues in Taiwan headquarters are constantly improving through our statistical analysis and research publication capabilities. After collecting and analyzing the valuable data from the first-line, we can form a more ideal model for future services. In terms of social education responsibility, we have transformed our experience into speeches. We organized the “異鄉人” international-service salon, and have invited experts and practitioners to discuss various international development issues together. To reach more young students, we went to dozens of schools and took a solid campus publicity train, sharing the concept of international development with them.
Of course, we also want to express our thanks to all the friends who have followed us all these years. During this pandemic, we have received many messages and donate to show your support. With your strong support, our morale can continue to be high.
2020 has passed. In the past 365 days, every member of TFCF International experienced many restless and sleepless nights. We are praying and trying to connect more resources. We hope that through our work, can decrease the effects of the disaster and increase the resilience of the community to recover as soon as possible after the pandemic has passed in the near future.
2021 has come, the pandemic has not yet left, and the service of TFCF International will never leave. We are working on more strategies and paying more efforts. We are full of enthusiasm and energy for our overseas services so that we are ready to face more challenges. TFCF international is an honor to share our sweat and tears for all the services. And the honor will all belong to the fans who work together.
Bye bye 2020!
May 2021 be your best year!