Please help stop me from dropping out!
Sokry, a 17-year-old boy, lives with his parents and grandparents in a small house. Sokry joined in the team in June 2017.
“Due to a lack of job opportunities in the community, my parents work in Thailand. However, our family is barely supported by scanty income, so my parents suggested me to drop out of school and work with them in Thailand. It did depress me and I understood that there was no more chance to return to school after drop out. Before I drop out of school, I have heard that TFCF was recruiting for new players for the new football team, and I decided to join. Since my parents knew that I could receive the milk supplements and free football clothing and shoes, they finally agreed that I could stay and do my good job at school and TFCF football team.
At the beginning, I could not play football well and knew nothing about football skills and techniques. Through the trainings and practices, I have learned a lot and I've dreamed of becoming a great soccer player. You won’t believe it that you changed my life. I'm very grateful for all your support to TFCF Cambodia Football Team Project, and allow me to be one of the teammates.”
- Message from Sokry, the project Beneficiary
** Sokry is the fake name due to the privacy and safety of individuals is respected.
What we did for children
TFCF Cambodia has cooperated with DPC School (Organization of Development for People of Cambodia) and formed a football team at Oddar Meanchey Province. Both of us have the same objective to stop schoolchildren from dropping out of school in Cambodia. Education is the key to helping kids living in poverty, however, almost half of families force their children to drop out of school and work in order to gain more income due to economic pressures. It’s not an easy task but we still decide to help.
We have formed the TFCF Football Team since April 2017. We have 25 team members currently and provide team uniforms including clothes, socks, and shoes. At the beginning, we found that it was difficult to find a good football coach because we were far away from Phnom Penh. Praise God! We have found the partner, Indochina Starfish Foundation (ISF) who could provide the training to our team. On 27th July 2017, we cooperated with ISF and organized a football event at Oddar Meanchey Province. In the event, ISF provided CAC (Coaches across Continent) training class for children and also taught them a football game, too. CAC members will help provide the training to our team members every Saturday and Sunday evening from 4PM to 6PM. The class will provide programs including football techniques & skills practices, warming up, playing with their teammates and how to touch a ball.
As we have seen, schoolchildren have opportunities to stop dropping out of school. We need your help to give them a chance to make a change. It’s still a long way to go, and we know you will stay with us to give schoolchildren in Cambodia a dream of their future.